Rulebook for Planned Work Ticket Workflow


For Scrum and Kanban Teams: this article shows what issue types and states you can use to visualize your planed-work items.

This is not a one way workflow with just one "step by step manual", this is a rulebook that explains in which way tickets can be moved between the different states of the planned work workflow.

General Principles

To eat an elephant, one needs to cut it into bite sized pieces. This means that if we want to build something big, we need to cut down the bigger task into work items that we can incrementally work on.

We are also pledged to deliver value in smaller iterations. So our main focus when cutting down work should lie on doing it in a way that delivers a smaller but usable result each time.

To be effective in this, we thoroughly plan and prepare our work, before implementing it. Here are the Ticket types and Workflow States we us to do this. Tickets can freely flowinside the preparatory phase states. And once they have been selected, then again can freely flow between the implementation-phase states.

Issue Types

Listed in order of relevance to most readers (engineers)


Type Purpose


A work package of a project


An atomic change on an existing system
More considerable changes requiring numerous tickets might be handled as a project.

All the above issue types use the "Planned Work" workflow.


Type Purpose


Atomic work package


Something out of the order has been observed and needs to be investigated/fixed.

All the above issue types use the "Planned Work" workflow.


Type Purpose Jira Template

Maintenance Task


Maintenance Procedure
Mandatory use!

To ensure effectiveness and work quality in maintenance, please adhere to the Maintenance Procedure & Template.

The Maintenance Task uses the Simple Task workflow.

Starts at OPEN and moves to CLOSED, that’s it.

Meta Issue Types used in Customer Projects

Type Purpose


A collection of tickets to work towards a common goal. Epics can be used to track bigger features or projects.
In Comparison to the issue type Project, Epics provides some filtering and planning features, while projects still need to be used for billing purposes.


Link to Odoo for billing purposes.


Link to Odoo for billing purposes for projects.

Project Milestone

Link to Odoo for billing purposes for parts of a project.

Workflow Diagram

rulebook planned work ticket workflow.oct.2023.drawio

Preparatory Phase: New to Ready (Backlog)


Status definition

When created, the issue gets assigned this state. This state is about understanding the subject, linking them to relevant tickets (projects, epics).

Transition to NEW

When a ticket was in one team and needs to get reassigned to another team, then the ticket will automatically go back to the status NEW, to make sure it does not get lost or disrupt the workflow in the new team.

Next possible transitions:

  • REFINEMENT clarify

  • ON HOLD not now

  • BACKLOG ready

  • CLOSED deemed not relevant.


Status definition

The issue should be worked on in the foreseeable future, but the expected outcome needs to be clarified. Action required.

Clarify the following aspects:

  • The scope "what" of the ticket is defined and clear?

  • It has to be estimated how much work it is. (for example, story points)

  • Priority and budget: when do we need to do it? And does customer consent to costs?

Rule for Transition to REFINEMENT

  • VSHN-Team must be set.

  • Ticket must have a description.

  • Link related tickets, if applicable.

Next possible transitions

  • ON HOLD not now

  • BACKLOG ready

  • CLOSED deemed not relevant.


Status definition

We are confident that this is something we have to do, or we would like to do, but it is unclear when that is supposed to happen.

*Passive State –*with automated handling, to avoid permanently forgetting about it.

Rule for Transition to ON HOLD

  • Set delay time (in months)

  • Comment as to why it’s put on hold.

  • Inform customer, if related to a customer project or ticket.


  1. Ticket gets unassigned automatically.

  2. After the set number of months, this ticket will be automaticallytransitioned to Refinement. This way, we know it requires our attention again.

Next possible transitions

  • REFINEMENT clarify

  • BACKLOG ready

  • CLOSED deemed not relevant


Status definition

The ticket is ready and can be selected.

Rule for Transition to BACKLOG

  • The scope of the ticket must be clear enough to make an estimation (story points or hours)

Rule for assigning it to a sprint

  • Customer must have consented to costs. When in doubt, ask the Project-Manager, CAM or Avior to help sort this out with the customer.

Next possible transitions

  • REFINEMENT clarify

  • ON HOLD not now

  • SELECTED start work

  • IN PROGRESS is being worked on

Implementation Phase: Ready (Backlog) to Done


Status definition

Backlog For Scrum Teams only: Backlog items that have been assigned to sprint.

Next possible transitions

  • REFINEMENT more to clarify

  • IN PROGRESS is being worked on


Status definition

SELECTED is for Kanban Teams only: backlog items that have been selected to get worked on this week.

Rule for transition to SELECTED

  • Customer must have consented to costs. When in doubt, ask the Project-Manager, CAM or Avior to help sort this out with the customer.

Next possible transitions

  • REFINEMENT more to clarify

  • IN PROGRESS is being worked on


Status definition

The assigned team is actively working on the implementation of it.

Rule for Transition to IN PROGRESS

  • Only put tickets in this state if you are actively working on it and not waiting for anything else to happen first.

Next possible transitions

  • PENDING internal wait


  • REVIEW get it checked

  • CLOSED all done


Status definition

Work is in progress somewhere else inside VSHN. Used for tickets while waiting for a maintenance task to get done. Used for tickets, that have a related ticket, where work must get done shortly by a different team or person.

Passive State – with automated handling, when a ticket is untouched

Rule for Transition to PENDING

  • Define numbers of days before ticket needs attention again. (1-7)

  • If the ticket is depending on a different ticket, interlink them correctly (causes,waits for,relates to, or by mentioning it in the comment)

  • Add comment to state, what it is waiting for.


  1. Ticket gets unassigned automatically.

  2. After the set number of days, this ticket will be automatically transitioned to "in progress". This way, we know to carry on with our work on it.

Next possible transitions

  • IN PROGRESS work on it now

  • REVIEW get it checked

  • CLOSED all done


Status definition

This status is only used when a ticket needs to get worked on in maintenance and if there is a reason not to open a dedicated maintenance ticket.

Template maintenance task must be used and correctly applied.

Rule for transition to WAITING FOR MAINTENANCE:

  • Due date must be set.

  • Make sure no important and relevant information is missing for the Engineer carrying out this task.

Next possible transitions

  • REVIEW get it checked

  • IN PROGRESS work on it now

  • CLOSED all done


Status definition

REVIEW Implementation has to be reviewed by another VSHNeer. Polaris and Vega will also use this for external review.

Next possible transitions

  • IN PROGRESS still something to fix right now

  • CLOSED all done


Status definition

  • Nothing left to be done. Good job!

  • Or ticket has become obsolete.

Next possible transitions

CLOSED is a terminal state: no transitions allowed.

If a ticket was closed less than 48h ago, it can be reopened to the state it had before closing it.

Customer Portal Rules

Customer sees all tickets in their project.

Customers can read and add comments. In this workflow, where we are working on bigger and more complex tasks for the customer, customer can only close a ticket, if it’s in state REVIEW and not in any other.