Personal Workplace Budget

Joy of choice

When a new VSHNeer starts, they decide after the trial period whether they want to have a fixed Office Workplace or a Remote Workplace. If you prefer to work primarily in the office, you get a fixed workplace with the VSHN standard equipment. If you choose to primarily work remotely, you get financial support to improve your workplace at home. It is possible to switch between the two models, but there is a waiting period of at least one year (budget and accounting reasons). People operations decides about exceptions.

Office Workplace

If you choose to have a fixed desk in the office:

  • You get a fixed workplace (desk and chair), 1 big or 2 smaller screens and a docking station (Lenovo USB-C/Thunderbolt Dock).

  • The furniture and equipment is property of VSHN, remains in the office and has to be taken care of. Defective equipment will be replaced by VSHN, provisioning, and maintenance organized by Antares.

Remote Workplace

You don’t have a fixed desk in the office.

  • VSHN ensures that there are enough floating desks you can choose to work from when you’re in the office. See desk sharing.

  • After the trial period (and for all current VSHNeers), you can claim up to CHF 400.- per year (or the equivalent in local currency) in the form of expenses for furniture or equipment that will help you to work better remotely.

    • If you don’t make use of this, the budget adds up to a maximum of CHF 1200.-, in the years you have no fixed desk.

      • You can use the accumulated budget to expense one or more bills.

      • You can’t expense bills using future budget, as this is extra effort in accounting and the money would have to be paid back, if a VSHNeers should leave us earlier.

    • Antares takes the final decision about budget per item (is it within the range of usual costs?) and communicates it to the interested parties.

    • Stuff bought with the financial support of VSHN remains the property of the VSHNeer, which also means that maintenance, repairs, replacements, etc. are the responsibility of the VSHNeer.

    • The budget isn’t considered a salary component and isn’t paid out in the event of termination of the employment contract.

    • The VSHNeer is responsible for purchasing remote workplace equipment and then expenses it.

How to get the budget

  1. Write an E-Mail to PeopleOps (If you are employed by VSHN Canada, please CC VSHN Canada) with the following information:

    • What you want to purchase.

    • Required budget (money).

  2. PeopleOps will confirm the approval and will consider the budget and applicability.

  3. PeopleOps takes a final decision (go / no go) and communicates it to the interested parties.

If the decision is positive, you can expense the costs and enjoy the new Workplace item!