People Operations


Role: People

Role Keepers

Sabrina Lang, Dawn Nitsche, Patrick Mathers


Dawn Nitsche


#people-operations Role Chat


Why is this role needed, what need of the organization does it address, or how is it relevant within the organization?

VSHN is special because it’s not an organization with team leads or any other kind of "line organization". The working environment of most employees is characterized and shaped by them, in self-organized teams and roles. There is still the usual administrative work in the HR domain and there are also legally confidential issues and personal matters that either go beyond a team or that the employee does not want to share right away.

We need to ensure that we are not only a lawful but also a great employer, do the needed admin work, take personnel matters seriously and support our VSHNeers in a way that actually helps them and fits in with our work culture.

Key Responsibilities

List the essential responsibilities assigned to this role.

  • Employer compliance (taxes, insurance, work law, etc.)

  • Employee work contracts incl. initial job offering and compliance

  • Go-to-contact for VSHNeers for personal matters

  • Handling of reported incidents violating personnel policy or contract

  • Onboarding and offboarding

  • Payroll including social insurance

  • Personnel data administration

  • Vacation, public holidays, special occasions, Education & Hardware budget and Expenses

Stakeholders and Key Deliverables

Whom does this role deliver value to, what do they need from this role?

  • timely and correctly paid salaries and expenses, work time and time-off tracking.

  • up-to-date and clear work contract

  • a great experience when they start at VSHN

  • correct and professional offboarding when they leave

  • a place to get support for their personal matters when they can’t address it on their own or in the team.

VSHN as an Employer
  • correct and lawful payroll accounting

  • up-to-date personnel data

  • correct handling of budget and expenses used by employees

  • compliant work relationships with our VSHNeers, for our business

This role is part of the domain description which is tracked and reviewed as VIP-36