24x7 Operations

This domain is about all organizational topics (VIPs) regarding how we handle incidents around the clock, so that the accountability is clear and current and future needs can be addressed and coordinated.

Accountable Circle

Operations Work Group



Lead by

To be defined

Key responsibilities

  • Organize handling of incidents during office hours for:

    • VSHN Switzerland

    • VSHN Vancouver (and other follow-the-sun locations)

  • Organize handling of incidents outside office hours (on-call).

  • Know the requirements of 24x7 incident handling, for example from our product’s SLAs and existing customer contracts.

  • Select tooling needed for the above: mainly how we do alerting.

  • Facilitate decisions regarding on-call compensation.

Key Deliverables

  • Documented guidelines for teams how incident handling has to work (to meet the requirements):

    • Shifts to cover

    • Alerting

    • Expected response times

    • Scope of incident handling

    • Requirements of incident handling in ticket system, for example all Jira issue types and workflows.

  • Documentation on on-call compensation.

  • Yearly Reporting and pay out of on-call compensation.



  • The periodic maintenance carried out by Solution Teams isn’t the scope of this domain.

  • How systems and services are monitored isn’t the scope of this domain - only alerting is.


  • This group is a Work Group and therefore accountable. This accountability requires that members reserve and invest time to work through and drive forward the topics in this domain.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Relevant Drivers (VIPs) which fall into this domain are effectively addressed.

  • 24x7 Operations meeting the requirements of our business.

  • On-call duty within the scope of the legal regulations for employees.

This is a sub-domain of Customer Solutions and is tracked and reviewed as VIP-145.