How to do Customer Request Handling
The concept of central support and triage (Team Avior is dissolved as of mid 2024). See the simplified first iteration process here. This page is outdated and will need to be rewritten/removed at some point, use what still makes sense with caution. |
Your Duties
1. Be ready and punctual to begin your shift on time
Rotationplan in OpsGenie: ⇒ Avior Triage and Support
For Aldebaran and Polaris, there is an Ops Genie alert to the assigned person at the start of their shifts.
2. Set your Zoom to receive hotline calls
Go to your zoom profile.
Click on "receive Team calls"
Activate the "Technical Support" hotline.

3. Check the triage board every ~10 min
Here ist the link to the Customer Service All Teams Board
4. Triage incoming tickets promptly
Choose Issue Type: Service Request, Information Request, Problem or Incident
Assign VSHN-Team: Avior, Sol, Aldebaran, Polaris, Schedar, Vega or Nunki.
Set priority[(see Product definition)]
Delete incoming SPAM:_⇒ click on "more" in the ticket menu and select "delete", then confirm._
You can drag and drop tickets, in the kanban view, for easier handling. |
Service Desk Issue Types
Type | Purpose |
Service Request |
Customer requests support or a service. |
Information Request |
Customer requires information on our services and products. |
Problem |
The customer stumbled upon a problem in his systems or our services to them. |
Incident |
Customer reported a malfunction or interruption of services. And it needs urgent fixing … |
If you are unsure…
5. If urgent, alert the responsible team
It is urgent if a customer reports an Incident.
… if they are facing a problem, that has a bigger impact on their work or production sites.
… if a customer says so, believe them in a first instance.
As a curtesy to our colleagues, please alert Schedar, Vega, Nunki and TempAppOps for any incomming tickets, as they only rarely receive new customer-tickets.
⇒ Alert the Team via their team channel in Rocket Chat.
6. Take care of any tickets open in Avior Service Desk
Go to this Board:[Avior Servicedesk]
Check for open tickets and tend to them accordingly…
Be polite and professional in tone when answering customers requests. See also the Customer Communication Guidelines in this Handbook.
Additional Duties of Customer Service Lead or their Deputy
Double-check the VSHN Service Desk Board for unattended tickets
Board: Customer Service all teams
Use Filter: Over 2 days no update
You can filter per team additionally.
Use "no Comment" filter to check for any tickets where Customer has recieved no ansver from us yet. this must be EMPTY before lunch and before end of the day.
Check for failed Josy tickets
Check for the oldest of these Tickets, if any seem to have been missed by the assigned team. Gently remind them where needed. |