Domain Marketing & Sales


Sol Team



Team Facilitator

Patrick Mathers


#sol Team Chat


There are Companies that need to run software, Software developers and system engineers that have not yet heard of VSHN and don’t know how we could help them.

We need to understand the customers' challenges through market analysis and customer insights, define how we can solve those challenges through product management, attract the right customers through marketing, convert them to paying customers through sales, plan and successfully onboard them through customer project management, retain them long-term through account management and find partners that help us with any of these tasks.

Successfully acquiring and retaining customers enables the sustainability of the business.


  • Product Owners: Need clarity on the high level product strategy, profitability, etc.

  • (Potential) Customers: Expect a great buyer and customer journey.

  • Delegator (Management): Need continuous clarity on brand and product marketing strategy, profitability and sales pipleine.

  • Value Stream Teams: Need product insights, enough incoming new business to deliver their services, and customer feedback on their services and products to optimize value contiuously.

Key Responsiblities

  • Understand the market and our (potential) customer segments.

  • Develop, own and reevaluate our value proposition and Go-to-market strategy.

  • Generate leads and turn them into customers.

  • Nurture customer relationships.

  • Own and continously improve the whole sales process.

  • Manage strategic marketing, sales channel and product / supplier partnerships.

See the following sub-domains

Key Deliverables

  • Increased brand recognition and market visibility.

  • Enhanced brand reputation and differentiation from competitors.

  • Growth in customer base and improved customer retention rates.

  • Revenue growth and increased sales figures.

  • Positive market feedback and customer satisfaction.

  • Up-to-date data about our customers (offers, orders, contracts, contacts, etc.)

  • Pipeline, product / offering and customer metrics to enable strategic decision-making.

  • Documented strateigc partnerships and related agreements.

See the following sub-domains

Key Metrics

  • Sales Pipline (leads, offered, sold), recurring per month and one-time revenue, with probability and timeline.

  • Customer NPS

  • Profitability per product or offering

  • Profitability per customer


  • Solution Architects from Value Stream Teams.

  • Value Stream Teams doing the technical onboarding and provide the service as sold.

  • Accounting / Finance: Correct invoicing of created services and having up to date numbers of our existing business.

Key Resources

  • Odoo ERP

  • Hubspot

Delegator Responsibilities

  • Contribution to product and marketing strategy, bringing the Delegator’s perspective of all VSHN teams.

  • Budgeting and other high level constraints.

  • Enabling collaboration with other teams when it doesn’t work directly between the teams.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monthly overall Domain Review on how well the team functions with the Team Facilitator.

  • Sales figures weekly for now, with representative of Sales & Account Management

  • Marketing Strategy bi-weekly for now, with a representative of Marketing

The rest is on-demand / tension based.

Accountable Team


This domain is tracked and reviewed as VIP-X