Your First Day
Welcome to VSHN! You are a new VSHNeer now. This section of the Handbook will give you all the information you need to get started as easily as possible.
The Office
The VSHN offices are located at Neugasse 6 & 10, in Zurich. The main entrance can be found in Neugasse 10 on the first floor. We’re located a mere 7 minutes away by foot from Zurich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich main train station).
The postal code is 8005, and the office telephone is +41 44 545 53 00. |

Working remotely
You can choose where you work from and get budget to support your home office. For more details see Personal Workplace Budget and Working remotely.
Working Hours and Vacation
At VSHN, we work 40 hours per week (percentage of that if working part-time) in a yearly work time concept. This means you can flexibly choose when and how long you work as agreed upon within your team or roles, within some constraints, and it has to balance out over the year. VSHN helps you stay within healthy boundaries. You can carry over overtime into the new year within some constraints. Read more in our Working Hours Policy.
You receive a fixed number of vacation days per year, plus additional days based on your years of working at VSHN. You also get extra days for special occasions. The purpose of time off is to ensure you have enough rest and recovery each year, as well as to celebrate significant events or handle challenging situations in your life. You can carry over some unused days into the new year. Unpaid leaves can be requested. See our Time Off Policy.
Your Mentor
A senior VSHNeer will be your Mentor. They will be your primary contact for questions and must make sure that you receive all required information throughout the start of your career at VSHN and your Trial Period (usually the first 3 months).
Your Introductory Blog Post
Once you have finished setting up your workstation, one of the first assignments you will receive is to introduce yourself on our blog. We’ve both an English and a German version of it, so you can choose the language that works better for you. You might want to check out the introductions of some of your new colleagues for inspiration, and to get to know each other better.
Hardware and Software
This section contains some information about your laptop, monitors, desk, and hardware budget.
At VSHN we work with open, cross-platforms tools. This means that technically you can choose any laptop you like to work with. Most of us use Lenovo X1 Carbon or MacBook Pro machines.
In terms of software, nearly everyone ditches the Windows installation in the laptops, and uses some Linux distribution instead, such as Ubuntu, Fedora or Arch. Some of us use GNOME, others KDE and others just i3 in our desktops.
Ubuntu has very good support for Lenovo laptops, and many VSHNeers have installed it, which means they could help you in case of trouble. There is even a page in the wiki about that! |
Hardware Budget
Please refer to the Personal Hardware Budget section for details.
Whichever laptop you choose, you will most probably have to install one or many of the following software packages.
As a techie, you will likely also need these:
Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows, or Docker Community Edition for Linux.
An IDE or text editor, such as Codium (aka Visual Studio Code), Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, or Emacs.
VirtualBox and Vagrant
Desktop Wallpaper and Virtual Background for Zoom
Maybe you want a fancy VSHN styled desktop wallpaper and a virtual Zoom background? You can find these in our brand guide.
VSHN Central
Make yourself comfortable with VSHN Central. It’s the central place (pun intended) for all things VSHN.