

Role: People

Role Keepers

Dawn Nitsche, Marco Fretz


Dawn Nitsche


#recruiting Role Chat


Why is this role needed, what need of the organization does it address, or how is it relevant within the organization?

When culture heavily relies on having the right people—those who fit our values and have the right mindset to work in an organization without bosses and with self-organizing teams—we consistently conclude that this works better when: a) we proactively find the right people, and b) when they learn about us, they can directly talk with us VSHNeers, not an external agency.

This is why we think we not only need to handle the job advertising and application process ourselves, but also govern how we do it, how we involve the teams and VSHNeers.

Key Responsibilities

List the essential responsibilities assigned to this role.

  • The full application process including communication, scheduling, decision-making and tooling

  • Job openings and job advertising / publishing

  • Proactive sourcing of candidates

Stakeholders and Key Deliverables

Whom does this role deliver value to, what do they need from this role?

  • an easy, transparent and smooth process, getting answers as quickly as possible.

  • get a deep understanding of who we are what we do how, so they can truly decide and commit to becoming part of VSHN.

Teams & Roles
  • an efficient and effective process to find and hire the right people for their needs.

  • the organization as an employer represented in the best possible way

  • independent of role and team, fitting people that support and drive VSHN and our work culture in a common direction.

This role is part of the domain description which is tracked and reviewed as VIP-36