

Role: People

Role Keepers

Dawn Nitsche, Aline Abler, Markus Speth, Patrick Mathers


Dawn Nitsche


#compensation Role Chat


Why is this role needed, what need of the organization does it address, or how is it relevant within the organization?

Every organization needs a working compensation model in order to attract and retain employees. In most companies, this is done top down by management, with little influence by single employees (except their negotiation skills). This does not correspond to the VSHN values.

We want to have a group that creates and develops our compensation model (including salary system) as objectively as possible, leaving personal interest and personal political views out, so that it’s supported by all VSHNeers.

Key Responsibilities

List the essential responsibilities assigned to this role.

  • Clarity about the requirements of compensation at VSHN

  • Compensation (Governance and Operations)

    • the basis on which our compensation model is built like fairness, transparency, market orientation, etc.

    • the Salary System, incl. how to set salaries outside of Switzerland

    • Migration and issue handling for VSHNeers

    • other ways of compensation / benefits

Stakeholders and Key Deliverables

Whom does this role deliver value to, what do they need from this role?

VSHN (represented by Delegator)
  • Documented and working compensation model & salary system, to hire new VSHNeers and pay existing VSHNeers

  • Support to understand and use the salary system, to implement other aspects of compensation, etc.

External Constraints

  • Members of this group are selected through role selection, or other reasoned decision-making.

    • The Management needs to be represented by at least one member.

    • People Operations needs to be represented by at least one member.

  • Decisions are made using consent, involving the people affected.

  • VSHN Values.

Key Resources

  • People who actively commit and work in this role - it’s not just a decision making role. Expectations to be defined as we learn about actual effort through reviews.

Delegator Responsibilities

  • Provide and support with economical / financial overview and constraints.

  • Budget for Education, Consulting, etc.

Mindset, Skills and Capabilities

  • Willingness to learn about modern ways of compensation, what others do, etc.

  • Ability to leave personal interest and political views out.

  • Facilitation skills and experience (or ability to know when to get help).

Monitoring and Evaluation

Review (usually Peer Review) every 2 months with the Stakeholders.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Every VSHNeer understands how compensation at VSHN works.

  • We’re able to set salaries to hire people in Switzerland, Follow-the-sun-locations and remote.

  • We’re able to translate other aspects of compensation to other countries.

  • Salary is not a blocker for what VSHN needs to do (hiring the best people).

This domain is tracked and reviewed as VIP-219