Domain Canada Operations


Vega Team



Team Facilitator

Matthias Indermuehle

Product Owner

Sandro Kaspar (for Managed Kubernetes)

Tech Alignment

Sandro Kaspar


#vega Team Chat


VSHN Canada in Vancouver was founded primarily to offload plannable Swiss night work to our first follow-the-sun location. This doesn’t utilize the capacity of the personnel we have in Vancouver. This brings the opportunity for them to also do other work for VSHN.

We therefore have a team that offers their capacity and skills to all other VSHN teams and also takes on maintenance and proactive operations ownership of certain services.


  • Customers with Managed Kubernetes services

  • Other VSHN (Value Stream) Teams

  • Customer Support for 24/7 Support & Incident handling

Key Deliverables

  • Maintenance of running Managed Kubernetes instances.

  • Framework maintenance and limited improvements around Managed Kubernetes

  • Planned night-maintenance work for the instances of Value Stream Teams’s products.

  • Other plannable tasks for other VSHN Teams

  • Sales and Account Management support for Sol

Key Responsibilities

  • Plan and execute proactive instance and framework maintenance to keep Managed Kubernetes instances running.

  • Execute planned and handed over task from other VSHN Teams.

  • Participate in Customer Support or On-Call rotations to cover part of 24/7 Incident handling and support.

  • Define the requirements and keep the dialog with other VSHN Teams how work is handed over to VSHN Canada.

  • Sales and Account Management support for Sol

  • Support Sol in entering the market to sell VSHN services in North America.

External Constraints


  • Work defined and properly handed over and reviewed after execution.

  • Clarity on product strategy around Managed Kubernetes

Key Resources

  • Project Syn

  • Inventory of all running services

  • SLO Monitoring System

  • Rancher Management Server (for now)

Mindset, Skills and Capabilities

Technical Skills
  • System Engineering

  • Cloud Kubernetes Experts

  • Kubernetes

  • Rancher (for now)

  • Terraform

  • Product and SLO oriented

Non-Technical Skills
  • Sales Offering

  • Account Management and Project Management

  • Customer Communication

  • Asynchronous planning and work review

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Peer Review every 2 months with representative from VSHN teams who work with VSHN Canada. Hosted by the Team Facilitator.

  • Domain Review with Delegator every 2 months after Peer Review.

Key Challenges

  • Planning, working and staying connected across a major timezone gap.

  • Stay culturally connected with VSHN Switzerland, be involved in cross-company decisions that affect VSHN CA or where contributions are needed.

  • Stay up-to-date on the technical skills and innovaton with all VSHN Value Stream Teams.

Accountable Team


This domain is tracked and reviewed as VIP-280