Anti-Harassment Policy

Our company recognizes that bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace will not be tolerated. We are aware that such behavior can negatively impact the work environment and stress our employees. Therefore, we have committed to creating a safe and respectful work environment. Our rules are in compliance with Swiss law, and we are legally obligated as an employer to protect our employees. We believe it is important for all employees to be informed about these rules and to comply with them in order to create a safe and respectful work environment.

Bullying (Mobbing)

Bullying is any behavior that is intended or actually causes an employee to be harassed, threatened, or humiliated. This includes the use of violence or threats, as well as teasing, insulting or discriminating.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature. This includes, among other things, unwanted touching, flirting, harassment, sexual remarks or innuendos, and unwanted sexual advances. Especially when it is unwanted and/or the person feels uncomfortable, and it occurs repeatedly.

If an employee is affected or has witnessed an incident, they are required to report it immediately to our People Operations. All reports of harassment will be kept confidential within People Operations. No details will be shared, unless necessary for the investigation of the incident and consent by the affected employee. The incident will be investigated with the consent of the affected person. Confirmed incidents can lead to the perpetrator’s work contract termination and possibly other legal measures.

These rules are tracked and reviewed as VIP-285