Office Management

Take care about various things of our physical office in Zurich.

Sub-domain of

Central Services

Accountable Circle




Lead by

Patrick Mathers

Key Responsibilities

  • Care about our physical office in Zurich.

    • Handle physical mail and shippings.

    • Manage office equipment and furniture.

    • Moderate how rooms are used.

    • Organize facility management, including cleaning, repairs, etc.

    • Organize recycling and physical waste.

    • Organize visitor reception.

  • Organize phone duty for the company main number (TipTel).


  • Buying and maintaining things for the office is mostly with Procurement.

  • VSHNeers should report broken things immediately by creating a ticket (blocking VINT-31 Office Management)

Evaluation Criteria

  • Physical Office in working and usable condition, not blocking VSHNeers.

  • VSHNeers have the things they need to work in the office.

  • Office is in a presentable condition for visitors and partners.

This domain is tracked and reviewed as part of VIP-35