Communities of Practice

What is a Community of Practice

A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of individuals who share a common interest or profession (typically because they hold similar roles) and come together to exchange knowledge and personal experiences, understand problems and opportunities, help each other overcome challenges, and develop skills to succeed and grow both within and beyond their current roles. CoPs foster collaboration, continuous learning, and collective problem-solving, enhancing professional development and innovation.


  • A Community of Practice is usually voluntary.

  • People with the same or similar roles meet and decide how often, when, and how they can have the most helpful and efficient sessions.

  • The group may share resources and support each other asynchronously, usually through a chat channel.

  • Meetings are planned in the VSHN Interest Groups <> calendar, and should be prepared and actively facilitated.

VSHN values collaboration, continuous learning, and personal development and therefore supports having CoPs. In the spirit of self-responsibility, VSHN expects members to balance the personal learning and support benefits of a CoP with the time and mental capacity they invest in it.

Current Communities of Practice

The Home for Documentation is here in the wiki.

Description Relevant Roles Links Chat

Scrum, Organizational and Team Development


Product Ownership and Product Management
