Domain Products


Products Work Group



Lead by

Tobias Brunner (Product Manager)

vshn strategy products.drawio


Product Management as part of Marketing & Sales understand the market need, trends and the overall strategy of VSHN. They develop and propose concrete offerings.

As we collaborativle make strategic decisions, involving those affected (in this case the teams that work to deliver our offerings), we need a way to officially meet understand and decide together.

Key Responsibilities

  • Governance on the Product Roadmap

  • Sharing knowledge between Product Owner

  • Decisions on VSHN offerings including commercials (pricing), especially when multiple offerings or teams are affected - otherwise can be done directly with PO of offering.


  • The operational work for market research, strategic planning, and writing the high level product descriptions, as well as creating marketing and sales material happens in Marketing & Sales.

  • Writing technical Product definitions and documentation is with the Product Owner of an offering.

Key Deliverables

  • Ownership of Product Roadmap

  • Agreement on Product Roadmap

  • Decisions on offerings, pricing, priorities and product level strategy and tactics

This domain is tracked and reviewed as VIP-40