Project and Operations Reporting

There are some custom fields available which help with Project and Operations reporting.

Operations and Chores

Field Usage

Total logged time (h)

Sums all logged work of issue links of type "is blocked by." Or in case of a Chore, all logged time in this Chore

Monthly Budget (h)

Hours which can be spent on this Chore / Operations per month (editable field)

Mt Budget Used (%)

Percentage of "Mt Budget Used (h)" vs. "Monthly Budget (h)" of the current issue

Mt Budget Used (h)

Sums all logged work of issue links of type "is blocked by" from the current month. Or in case of a Chore, all logged time in this Chore from the current month.

JQL Example - Budget more than 90% used
(issuetype = Operations OR issuetype = Chore) AND status = Running AND "Mt Budget Used (%)" >= 90


Field Usage

Work remaining (h)

Sums all remaining estimates of issue links of type "is blocked by" and state not Done

Total logged time (h)

Sums all logged work of issue links of type "is blocked by"

Estimation vs. Actual (%)

Percentage of "Total logged time (h)" vs. Original Estimate of the current issue

JQL Example - Project Estimation at 90% used or more
(issuetype = Project AND status = Running) and "Estimation vs. Actual (%)" >= 90