General Manager VSHN Canada

This role is the Business Management of VSHN Canada - The DevOps Company Inc., Vancouver.


Matthias Indermühle


VSHN Canada Board (Board of Directors)


Why does this role exist?

A company must make sure that it fulfills its purpose and makes all the necessary organizational, economical and personnel decisions as well as plans, implements and controls measures and the operational business. The board of directors can do this themselves or delegate this to others in the company (as defined by British Columbia, Canada law).

We want to define this as the Business Management domain and delegate it to a person in Vancouver working for VSHN Canada. So that we have someone locally to ensure the health of the company and the effectiveness of the follow-the-sun concept for VSHN.

Key Responsibilities

  • General management functions of VSHN Canada (finance, people, legal, strategy, organizational issue)

  • Vision and culture of VSHN Switzerland represented and lead within VSHN Canada.

  • Legal compliance with and between British Columbia, Canada and Swiss law.

  • Working People Operations (Human Resources) for the staff employed in Canada.

  • Recruiting to hire people for VSHN Canada.

  • Physical office for VSHN Vancouver.

  • VSHNeers traveling between Canada and Switzerland supported and coordinated.

Key Deliverables

  • VSHN Canada budget for the next 18 months, aligned with overall VSHN strategy.

  • Invoicing to VSHN Switzerland.

  • Reviews of the Canada domains and people.

  • Meetings with Canada VSHNeers (for escalation, and as useful and needed).

  • Company-wide presentations and announcements for VSHN Canada staff.

  • Representation at external meetings and events (official representation of VSHN).


  • Administrative work is turned over to VSHN Switzerland only when there is a good reason, consent to by VSHN Switzerland to do so, for example substitute during vacation, more experience and more efficient staff and similar.

This domain is tracked and reviewed as VIP-166