VSHN Connect Host
Delegator |
All major Roles and Teams |
Role Keepers |
Marco Fretz, Jessica Wyrsch, Robin Angst |
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#vshnconnect-host Role Chat |
Why is this role needed, what need of the organization does it address, or how is it relevant within the organization?
VSHN has decided to conduct monthly VSHN Connect events. This role is responsible for organizing these events and holding the space at the events. The content of the event comes from other roles, teams, and VSHNeers, and is outside the direct scope of this role.
Key Responsibilities
List the essential responsibilities assigned to this role.
Planning dates and focus of VSHN Connect events
Moderating the overall event and ensuring timekeeping
Creating and managing the agenda and format
Stakeholders and Key Deliverables
Whom does this role deliver value to, what do they need from this role?
- Role, Teams and all VSHNeers at VSHN
VSHN Connect events as a time, space and format, as described in VSHN Connect
Clear overview of all VSHN Connect dates, focus and expectations.
VSHN Connect and the responsibilities of this role are tracked and reviewed at ticket.vshn.net/browse/VIP-316.