Debt Collection Register and Criminal Records
People operations is responsible to collect excerpts of debt collection (Betreibungsregister) and criminal records (Strafregister).
- Why
We do this to fulfill the ISO 27001 control A.7.1.1:
Background verification checks on all candidates for employment shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and ethics and shall be proportional to the business requirements, the classification of the information to be accessed and the perceived risks.
7.1.1 Screening
VSHN decided to repeat this for the employees every year to comply with audits.
Responsibility People Operations
Ensure all employees has handed in their excerpts (handled with ISMS-1011).
Ensure new hires file their excerpts during onboarding process (ensured with TEMPLATE-25).
Ensure the excerpt is stored in the HR folder of the employee and is deleted once not needed any more.
Check every excerpt for entries. If there are entries discuss it within People Role and figure out how we should handle it.
Problematic Entries
Lot of unpaid bills in the debt collection could be problematic to work for our customers in the financial industry. The common understanding of such entries is, that people with such entries are more likely to be susceptible for fraud.
If there are entries in the criminal records about financial fraud this people cannot work for the financial industries and therefore VSHN will not hire such people.
Employee’s Duties
Every employee must hand in their excerpts with signing the yearly salary increase contract amendment.
Of course VSHN is paying for that so you have to add it to your Expenses.
How to Get the Excerpts
Criminal Record
You need a copy of your identity card or your passport.
You need a printer to print out the request.
You need a stamp and an envelope.
Go to and follow the steps.
Pay it with credit card or Twint (you could also pay it via other ways, but that’s the easiest thing).
Send it via good old postal mail.
Please send an electronic copy of the certificate to Peopleops by email.
Debt Collection Register
Go to the homepage of your Gemeinde and search for Betreibungsregisterauszug. You can usually order one there.
Please send an electronic copy of the certificate to Peopleops by email.
Criminal Record
You can get a criminal background check from Triton on
Expense the costs of the record.
Dept collection register and credit score
You can get your credit report that includes a dept collection report from Equifax>
Ensure you use the free report.
Based on
Based on "Erläuterungen zur Personensicherheitsprüfung von Mitarbeitenden" from the EDÖB.
We ensure that we do a background check in our ISMS.
We ensure that we do background checks in our ISAE 3402 report, see ISAE 3402 control 5.10.7.
There are customers asking for such background checks.
This process is tracked and reviewed as VIP-216