Domain Application Marketplace


Schedar Team



Scrum Master

Nicolas Bigler

Product Owner

Liene Luksika

Tech Alignment

Gabriel Saratura


#schedar Team Chat


Our customers need databases, search, cache and similar services, as well as "Developer Tooling as a Service", consumable via self-service, to do DevOps and run their applications reliably in production, or offer such services at scale. On VM only clouds or for on-premises installations, there are no cloud provider services available for this.

We therefore need to broker cloud services, and also build, run and support self-made services, so that we can offer both in a unified way, as VSHN products.


  • Company that needs software for their business

  • Software Developers

  • Provider with instances at Scale

Key Deliverables

VSHN Application Catalog, consisting of:

  • Brokered Cloud Services

  • Services made by VSHN

  • Framework

Key Responsibilities

  • Requirements for Services from stakeholders are understood, fed and decided in product management.

  • Products defined in needed detail, including SLIs and SLOs.

  • Automation Framework built and maintained.

  • Defined Services are engineered.

  • Code and documentation for all Services maintained.

  • Customer Services operated towards defined SLOs.

  • Customers receive support according to (Support Plans).

Definition of Done

  • All used services are visible and automatically billed, no manual interventions needed.

  • Unified way (API) for customers and VSHNeers to self-service provision and configure services.

Definition of Run

  • Service used by customers up and running according to SLI / SLO definition.

External Constraints

  • Product Roadmap

    • Defines which service, and major features, to build next

    • Defines which clouds to focus on

  • Tech Radar (Technology Alignment)

Delegator Responsibilities

  • Ensure product management gives clear roadmap.


VSHN Products
  • APPUiO

  • Managed OpenShift

  • Managed Kubernetes

  • Cloud Provider Services

  • OSS Projects and Software Vendor contracts

VSHN Internal Services
  • Finance

  • People Operations

  • VSHN Canada timezone coverage support

Key Resources

  • Application Catalog Framework

  • Project Syn

  • Inventory of all running services

  • SLO Monitoring System

Mindset, Skills and Capabilities

  • System Engineering

  • Cloud Architecting (expert knowledge)

  • API / Kubernetes Operator Software Development

  • Kubernetes

  • Cloud Provider specific knowledge

  • Major Database Systems (as Server Admin)

  • Product and SLO oriented

  • Eager to learn and develop skills for the technology

Monitoring and Evaluation

Review (usually Peer Review) every 2 months with the Management.

Accountable Team


This domain is tracked and reviewed as VIP-277