Recruiting Process

In the scope of the Recruiting Domain the Recruiting Interest Group manages and handles applications as described here.

  1. Define the need for new jobs and roles.

  2. Consent to Open Positions.

  3. Publish Job Ads.

  4. Handle Applications.

  5. Sort out, decide and invite.

  6. Complete pre-screening.

  7. Do 1st Meetings with candidates.

  8. Team or stakeholders select candidates.

  9. Do 2nd Meetings with candidates.

  10. Make a final decision.

  11. Do all the Contract and Paperwork.

  12. Onboarding starts.

Workflow in Recruitee

Applications are handled in Recruitee.

recruiting workflow.drawio

Open Positions

  1. Stakeholders (usually teams) get clarity on what they’re missing currently or in the future (workforce, skills, etc.). Recruiting may help with this.

  2. Recruiting helps to define and write down this need as a job description and open position in our Wiki.

  3. The Management, as the Delegator, consents to the job description and gives the budget OK for all job openings.

  4. Publish the job ad and start Handling Applications.

Job Ads

For Spontaneous Applications and Open Positions we manage two types of job ads on our website:

  • Open Positions.

  • Ads to do "recruiting, marketing." There are multiple different job ads for the same job to lower the barrier of entry for candidates to contact us because they can find a "more specific" job ad than elsewhere.

New roles are created through a VIP and a role description in our handbook.

Handling Applications

We don’t consider applications from recruiters or agencies! Should we still get such applications, we reject them manually.

The application process starts when a candidate fills out the application form on or sends an email to

  • An application and candidate is automatically created in Recruitee which automatically confirms the receipt to the candidate via E-Mail.

  • The application is automatically mapped to the job opening in Recruitee.

Applications for an Open Position

  • We check incoming applications vs. the job opening and either

    • Ask clarifying questions.

    • Reject the application.

    • Refer the applicant to a more fitting job opening.

    • Ask the candidate to be on the waiting list for unsolicited applications.

    • Ensure the candidate handed in all relevant diplomas and references ("Arbeitszeugnisse")

    • Ultimately we invite the candidate if we see a potential match.

  • We do a pre-screening.

  • We reflect and sort out candidates that don’t match.

  • We provide a list of fitting candidates to the stakeholders or team.

  • Stakeholders select candidates they want to talk to in 2nd Meeting, other VSHNeers might also join.

  • Stakeholders select the final candidate so that Recruiting can send the job offer to the candidate

Spontaneous Applications

  • We manually move these spontaneous applications to the Talent Pool in Recruitee if we don’t have a matching job right now.

    • We also ask the candidate (if not done automatically via the application form) if it’s okay to store the application for later.

  • At least once a month and when we add new open positions, we go through the list and check if we already have someone in the pipeline that could match an open position.

  • When checking new or existing applications and see a candidate, that would perfectly fit VSHN but we don’t have an open job, we might start discussing options and reach out to VSHNeers and Management.


Following the pre-screening, we usually do a 1st Meeting and if we would like to continue a 2nd Meeting with all candidates.


  • The Recruiting lead will seek volunteers for the interview in #general chat or by direct approach. If not enough volunteers are found, Recruiting may directly invite people from the affected teams based to their availability in the calendar.

  • It is important that all stakeholders meet with the candidate.

For privacy reasons, we usually can’t share the application and CV with the entire company at this point.
  • The interview is scheduled in Recruitee with exact times and adding the VSHNeers who participate.

  • This automatically allows the VSHNeer to view the candidate (including cover letters, CVs, etc.) in Recruitee.

  • VSHNeers get an automated e-mail for the interview and a link where they can provide feedback after the interview.

Reflection and Feedback

All VSHNeers will provide feedback in Recruitee, including a recommendation for the Experience level at which the candidate should be hired.

Recruiting reviews this feedback.

The Recruiting lead checks the certificates and the references in the CV to ensure that the applicant’s information is correct.

Contract and Paperwork

People Operations then prepares all necessary paperwork (contract, addendums, etc) and sends them to the candidate for review and signature. Two VSHNeers with the People role (and signature rights) sign the contract also afterwards.

Depending on the candidate’s answer, the status is set to Offer Accepted or Offer Declined. If everything is done the status is set to Hired (Onboarding starts).


People Operations is responsible for the administrative onboarding, ordering hardware and connecting the new VSHNeer with their new Team and Mentor.

The onboarding process works towards constant improvements and being successful in making new VSHNeers feel equipped with everything needed to be successful in their role.

This process is tracked and reviewed as part of VIP-112.