VSHN Connect


In VSHN, there were and still are many ways in which we try to keep everyone up to date, drive major VSHN decisions, involve people, or make announcements, and present progress (OKRs, initiatives, etc.) while aligning together. The weekly company meeting, which we had until June 2024, has evolved over the last few years into a purely one-way meeting that feels like it could also be a newsletter. It no longer fulfills the purpose of bringing people together, as there is no interaction. It is also unclear whether VSHNeers actively participate at all and whether the relevant information really reaches them. However, "VSHN days" and quarterly "VSHN Connect" events have worked well so far.

Therefore, we decided to try having monthly VSHN Connect events, trying to achieve more alignment and collaboration in setting and reaching objectives, and resolving obstacles on our way, and with that making other recurring meetings and events obsolete.


  • Monthly, usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays, alternating.

    • 13:00 - 17:00, usually followed by a social event.

    • at VSHNtower, on-site - no remote participation possible.

  • Mandatory to participate (unless sick or on vacation).

    • For those who can’t attend, the fixed agenda (one-way part) is recorded.

    • VSHN Canada: 1-2 times/year in-person attendance (paid travel/accommodation), and use the same amount of time for hacking, open spaces, or watching recordings of VSHN CH.

  • Alternating focus (see below)

No weekly all-hands meeting anymore

With monthly VSHN Connect events, we also stopped the weekly company meetings already. Updates relevant for most VSHNeers that can’t wait for the next VSHN Connect should be communicated via email or the #announcement channel in chat.


  • The VSHN Connect Host role organizes the VSHN Connect events, focusing on holding the space, setting dates, and focus - content comes from other roles and teams.

  • People Operations role plans the social event.

  • The responsibility to use the gathered inputs or drive topics forward lies with either the VSHNeer who identified the issue or is responsible for it by role or team - if not otherwise defined during collaboration at VSHN Connect.

Focus and Format

VSHN Connect events have alternating focuses:

  • quarterly: Focus on presenting OKR reviews and setting new OKRs.

  • yearly: Focus on company strategy (where do we need to be in 1 year), inputs for setting yearly company objectives.

  • in between: Focus on Learning and Open Spaces - addressing opportunities and blockers to move VSHN forward.

When we focus on what is visible on this Miro board.

The format depends on the focus. In general, collaboration and interactive formats are preferred; one-way presentations in the big plenum should be kept to a useful minimum. We prefer breaking out into groups, working on a topic, and then quickly presenting to everyone.


  • A 30-minute break - for recovery & socializing.

  • Dates and rough focus are planned 3 months in advance.

  • Working time-boxing.

  • Strategic alignment has priority over other topics.

  • Survey (at or after the event) on how well VSHN Connect worked.

Travel Expenses

For all employees, besides VSHN Canada, the work location is in Zürich, Switzerland. We organize VSHN Connect at our office location or in the area. Therefore, no travel expenses are applicable.

Whether the optional social event following VSHN Connect is self-organized and paid by the VSHNeer or organized and paid by VSHN is announced in advance.

Canada VSHNeers

For VSHN Connect, we aim to bring all VSHNeers together. Holding monthly VSHN Connect events is something we’re trying; unfortunately, we can’t fly in Canada VSHNeers every month, which could also be seen as not very environmentally friendly. We think 2-4 times a year should be possible. Such travel and needed accommodation are seen as a business trip under normal expenses policies (and Canada travel expenses rules) and are to be coordinated with People Operations.

We want people to use the time in Switzerland as effectively as possible: VSHNeers should use this time to work together in person and get to know the rest of VSHN. To ensure this happens, meetings and workdays must be planned by the incoming VSHNeers beforehand. For this, VSHN might pay up to 6 nights in total.


Every 3-4 VSHN Connect events, we conduct a thorough review:

  • How effectively VSHN Connect works to address its purpose, and how much VSHNeers in their roles and personally could benefit.

  • Did it successfully replace other meetings and workshop formats? If all other events simply stay, the time investment might be too high.

VSHN Connect is tracked and reviewed at ticket.vshn.net/browse/VIP-316.