Salary System

VSHN has a unique, transparent, open salary system. This doesn’t mean that we’ve got a list of names with their respective salaries, but rather that:

  • We strive for fairness; everybody gets the same salary for the same work.

  • We aim for unambiguousness: a salary depends on objective criteria and not on the negotiation skills of individuals.

  • We consider the training level, the experience and the impact for each job.

  • It’s based on criteria and a process that is the same for everyone. How it works is transparent to everyone.

  • There is no negotiation, not during hiring and not for existing VSHNeers.

  • It’s flexible to adapt and correct past mistakes, always following the same, transparent process

  • Economic efficiency: VSHN invests the money (as salaries) where it makes sense for our business, not paying more than useful.

  • Incentive to review: Salary should give incentive to question where someone is in their development as a VSHNeer and in their role(s), and how much they fulfil their role.

  • Education: It should value school education, while also giving people without a higher school degree the option to develop onto similar salary levels through other ways (before and during VSHN).

  • Loyalty: It should value loyalty, as VSHN heavily invests into people to become part of VSHN, living our culture, etc. a big effort, if people don’t stay long enough - and the people are who make our unique system work.

Furthermore, the salary shouldn’t be the sole reason why someone joins VSHN, nor should it be hindering someone from joining or staying at VSHN.

Salary System

The salary system is currently undergoing a migration. The current state represents an intermediate step on the way to a new, better system. Some of the details described here are therefore expected to change again over the next year. This is noted explicitly where applicable.

The Salary System is based on three components:

  • A role fitness component, which aims to reward a person’s skill and expertise as well as the quality of the work they perform.

  • An education component, which rewards a person’s education (as relevant to their role).

  • A loyalty component, which directly aims to reward a person’s loyalty to VSHN.

If the economical situation, the job market or other internal or external factors require to adjust overall compensation, this can be done on the base numbers, having an effect for everyone.

The Salary System applies to all VSHNeers.

Loyalty Component

Loyalty to VSHN is rewarded with a fixed amount per year. Counting starts from the contract date, and the increase is added on the VSHNeer’s work anniversary.

Loyalty constitutes a small bonus that is added to VSHNeers' salaries each year.

Education Component

Education is rewarded with a fixed amount, depending on the type of education and whether it is relevant to the person’s role. If additional education is obtained during employment at VSHN, the education bonus is updated and the salary is adjusted when the education is complete.

Similarly, if a VSHNeer changes to a role in which the existing education is either more or less relevant, the education bonus is updated and the salary is adjusted when the role change comes into effect.

Education constitutes a small bonus that is added to VSHNeers' salaries.

Role Fitness Component

Role fitness is the main indicator for how effective a person is at performing their job at VSHN. From this, the largest component of the salary is derived.

We determine each VSHNeer’s Role Fitness Level based on an Assessment Process, which is repeated regularly. The resulting level determines the Role Fitness Component of the VSHNeer’s salary. When the Role Fitness Level changes, the salary is updated on the VSHNeer’s next work anniversary.

Role fitness constitutes the largest part of an VSHNeer’s salary. It takes into account:

  • The different roles a VSHNeer has

  • Continuous training, learning and personal growth.

  • Internal education, being a Mentor and educating trainees.

  • Role growth, meeting or exceeding expectations.

Through regular re-assessment, VSHNeer’s salaries grow at the same as they develop personally and have an increasing positive impact for VSHN.

The Assessment Process by which we determine VSHNeer' role fitness is currently a work in progress.

In the interim, VSHNeer’s role fitness is calculated from their salary as defined in the previous salary system, and increased by one step each year. For new hires, the initial role fitness is determined by the hiring committee based on the person’s experience.

The complete Assessment Process, which properly considers individuals' skills and impact, is expected to come into effect at the end of 2024.

Salary System Base

The salary system base contains all the numbers, tables and formulas required to calculate the three components, and thereby, an individual’s salary. All VSHN employees may view the salary system base.

Changes to the salary system base are handled by the compensation committee, and are subject to consent from all VSHNeers.

The salary payment is divided into 12 installments, paid around the 25th of each month.


The basic annual wage is a gross number. This means that the legally prescribed social security deductions, VSHNeers' contributions to occupational pension schemes and daily sickness benefit insurances are deducted in each case.


See Employee Benefits for all the benefits of beeing a VSHNeer.

Employment Termination

When an employment contract is terminated, salary increases and additional paid leaves due to seniority are not granted during the legally required notice period.