Management Work Group

The Work Group accountable for the Business Management Domain:

A company must make sure that it fulfills its purpose and makes all the necessary organizational, economical and personnel decisions as well as plans, implements and controls measures and the operational business. The board (“Verwaltungsrat”) can do this themselves or delegate this to others in the company (as defined by Swiss law.)

We want to define this as the Business Management Domain and delegate it to a group of people at VSHN. So that we can ensure the health and growth of VSHN, and Board and Management can control this through reviews together.

The Board of Directors (“Verwaltungsrat”) appoints one or more General Managers ("Geschäftsführer"). The General Managers may appoint other Executive Managers. Together they form a team VSHN simply calls Management, which is the Executive Management ("Geschäftsleitung") of VSHN.


General Managers
  • Marco Fretz

  • Markus Speth

Executive Managers
  • Matthias Indermuehle

Official Signatures

For a list of VSHNeers who are allowed to sign official documents in the name of VSHN, consult the commercial register.

Always two VSHNeers have to sign ("joint signature at two"), just one signature is invalid.

C-Level roles

Regarding C-Level roles, see C-Level Roles (External Use).

This team is tracked and reviewed as part of VIP-61