Customer Communication Guidelines

Response Time

Aim to respond in a timely manner, ideally within half a work day at most. For tickets and incidents, abide by the relevant SLAs.

Say Thank You and Sorry

Express gratitude for reaching out, regardless of the reason for contact.

Offer a sincere apology for any inconvenience or problems experienced by the customer.

Professionalism and Tone

Maintain a concise, clear, and informative communication style.

Use a professionally pleasant tone and keep the formality appropriate.

Use company language (English) and ensure spelling and grammar are correct and on a professional level.

Show Empathy and Attentiveness

Demonstrate understanding and kindness when addressing customer questions and concerns.

Listen attentively, summarize before you dive into the resolution / Answer to customer inquiries, concerns, and feedback.

Personalize Communication

Address customers by their preferred name or title.

Tailor communication to meet the specific needs and preferences of each customer, including language formality and inclusivity.

Clear and Accessible Language

Use jargon-free language for easy understanding.

Check with customer if you understood their request completely and no misunderstandings arise from technical unclarities, or missing understanding on either side.

Break down complex information into digestible chunks, utilizing bullet points or numbered lists when necessary.

Empowerment and Self-Help

Provide resources, such as self-help materials, FAQs, or knowledge bases, to assist customers in finding immediate answers to non-technical questions.

Follow-up and Closure

Set clear expectations for follow-up actions and timelines.

Close the communication loop by checking back with customers after resolving their issues to ensure satisfaction.

Structure of Emails and Tickets

Begin with a personalized salutation, addressing the customer by name if possible.

Express gratitude for their contact and interest in your services.

Apologize sincerely if any issues or interruptions were mentioned.

Provide a clear and concise response to their inquiry or concern.

Summarize the main points discussed and offer necessary next steps or further information.

Conclude with a courteous closing remark, followed by your name and contact information or necessary company signatures.

Proactive Communication and Readiness

Anticipate potential customer questions or concerns and address them proactively.

Provide relevant information or updates before customers need to inquire about them.

Invite Feedback

How can we improve? Encourage customers to share their experience and provide suggestions for improvement.

Regularly review and update the customer communication guidelines based on customer feedback and evolving needs.