Strategy (Company Strategy Execution)



Role Keepers

Aarno Aukia, Marco Fretz, Markus Septh


Marco Fretz


#strategy Role Chat



Why is this role needed, what need of the organization does it address, or how is it relevant within the organization?

At VSHN, the "Why" (Vision) and "How" (Mission) and strategic direction of the business are driven and clarified by the Board, usually involving subject-matter experts or relevant roles within VSHN. This longer term mission needs to be more tangible for teams and roles in VSHN to work towards it and see progress, to be aligned - everyone pulling in the same direction.

Role Summary

This is one of the major domains of VSHN to ensure the function as a business and organization; other areas include People and Finance. This replaces the need for "classic management".

This role ensures teams and roles are well-oriented and focused, providing the necessary leadership and feedback for accountability. It makes the progress towards our mission visible through review of objectives on the company level. Effective strategy execution relies on clear communication and guidance, helping everyone at VSHN understand and contribute to our goals through their actions and decisions.

Key Responsibilities

List the essential responsibilities assigned to this role.

VSHN is aligned to ensure that everyone pulls in the set strategic direction of our business.

  • Understanding the business areas of VSHN and their business models

  • Figuring out, defining, and conveying the high-level plan to move forward for each business area

  • Ensuring that teams and roles in VSHN understand and can follow specific, time-bound, measurable goals

  • Tracking progress in the set strategic directions, towards high-level objectives and financial targets

  • Handling company-level strategic risks

Stakeholders and Key Deliverables

Whom does this role deliver value to, and what do they need from this role?

Shareholders / Board of VSHN
  • Transparently visible Strategic Company Objectives (OKRs) with documented progress

  • Knowledge of the strategic risks and VSHN’s plans to manage or mitigate them

Teams and Roles at VSHN
  • Context to set their time-bound Tactical Objectives (OKRs)

  • Review and feedback, creating accountability towards reaching the set objectives

  • Point of contact to clarify situations that are strategically unclear


Shareholders / Board of VSHN
  • VSHN Identity - Why (Vision), How (Mission), strategic directions are clear enough

  • Checking and consenting to proposed company-level objectives and key results

Marketing / Product Management
  • Figured out and defined customer segments

  • Profitability per offering/product

  • Understood customer feedback and insights

Other Teams and Roles
  • Active collaboration and insights from various teams and subject matter experts at VSHN (POs, Marketing, Sales, etc.)

People and Organization
  • How we’re organized and staffed for each business area of VSHN, including opportunities, limitations, and risks

Role Assignment

  • We see this as a role for 2-4 VSHNeers, with the mindset mentioned above.