
  • If you are looking for Public Holidays, please see Work Hours

  • If you are looking for how to request Holidays, please see Time Off

So you have earned your days off! Well done. Before you go to sip those mojitos on that well-deserved holiday, however, please make sure to tick all boxes in these checklists.

We love receiving postcards from all over the world! Will you send us one?

In General

  • Make sure your legal leave request is approved by PeopleOps in Odoo before the timesheet is submitted for that month.

  • Setup this out of office autoreply for your e-mail account.

  • Add your absence to your calendar, so your co-workers know when you’re away.

  • Consider adding a blocker in your calendar on the day of your return, to prevent excessive meetings right upon your return.

  • Make sure you’re not having any duty during your holiday; if so, find someone who covers you and document it (for example overrides in Opsgenie).

  • In the last team planning meeting, remind the team that you’ll be away, and for how long.

  • Request your Legal Leaves by PeopleOps - See under How to Record Leave Request

On the last day

In General

  • Smaller tasks should be finished; don’t start any big ones.

  • Make sure all your issues in Jira are up-to-date: status, work logs, comments, due-date, priority, relations to other tickets, etc.

  • Hand over issues, if they can’t wait until after your holiday.

  • Submit your timesheets before you go on holiday!

  • Turn off your computer completely.

Current projects

  • Make sure someone is looking after your tasks in progress. Talk to the SM to discuss the exact approach!

  • Write down everything you discussed with customers which isn’t yet in tickets or the wiki (including deadlines, priorities of tasks, etc.)

The last comment in the ticket should always show what the next steps are and what’s left to do to complete the task.
  • Set a downtime on the monitoring-check for your local backup (if you have one).

  • Inform the customers that are prone to contact you directly about your absence, and tell them who to contact during that time.

  • Push all your local changes to git.

(Technical) Service Managers

Make sure:

  • you have a stand-in for each customer, and make sure this person is aware of that.

  • to talk to the stand-in about any running projects and important operations duty task you know of: Next steps, deadlines, priorities, expectations of the customer.

After a holiday

If you are returning from a holiday:

  • Reserve some time for yourself to be able to catch-up with emails, chat and other updates.

  • Read everything in the #announcements channel.

  • Read relevant meeting notes of meetings you missed (for example company meetings).

  • Request an update from one of your team what happened the last week(s), especially concerning changes within bigger projects, their plannings and decisions.

  • Go through the team board.

Checking your Holidays

There are multiple ways to check your balance. Navigate to Time Off to find this screen:

paid time off dashboard
  1. Shows your available Paid Time Off days for the current year. Clicking on the (?) shows more information.

  2. When opening the "New Time Off" popup, the "Time Off Type" dropdown shows this information as well, depending on the selected Dates below.

Alternatively you can click on your name on the top-right corner and select My Profile. In the appearing screen you see a smart button which also shows you this information.