Organizational Development / Culture


VSHNeers (bottom-up)

Role keepers

  • Marco Fretz

  • Possibly Scrum Masters (TBD)



Why is this role needed, what need of the organization does it address, or how is it relevant within the organization?

A business needs a healthy organization that supports its people to work effectively. Organizing ourselves is also distributed into the teams and roles, and VSHNeers should start by owning the issues they see and drive continuous improvement or structures and practices. We don’t expect them to handle complex situations alone, though. On the team level, support typically comes from the Scrum Master or Team Facilitator. However, we also need to address broader company-level topics like strategy execution and goal setting, governance, communication, and clarity on structure and responsibilities — how we do this, when it’s about more than one role or team.

For this, we need dedicated capacity on these topics, with a collaborative approach that supports the VSHN organization to function effectively for the business and for the VSHNeers to have an enabling and enjoyable working environment.

Role Summary

Foster understanding of our values, practices, and structures by documenting, teaching, and living them as an example while supporting VSHNeers in addressing organizational issues and opportunities. Drive governance issues at a corporate level where useful, while primarily focusing on helping VSHNeers understand and apply organizational responsibilities, communication, and decision-making processes, rather than doing it for them—promoting distributed leadership and accountability. This role serves VSHNeers and the organization independently of teams, while Team Facilitators and Scrum Masters focus on the team level.

Key Responsibilities

List the essential responsibilities assigned to this role.

Principles, Structures, and Practices
  • Maintain overall documentation

  • Provide training (understanding)

  • Offer coaching/mentoring (learning by doing)

  • Collaboratively understand and address changing needs & issues where relevant (evolving)

  • Facilitate support for larger/team-independent issues

  • Lead by example according to our values, ways-of-working and principles

  • Represent work culture aspects in relevant Governance

  • Present externally and engage in employer marketing around our unique culture

  • Understand and drive addressing organizational risks and opportunities

  • Drive significant (high effort) organization-level changes when useful (for example a re-teaming)

Stakeholders and Key Deliverables

Whom does this role deliver value to, and what do they need from this role?

  • Up-to-date overview documentation of our ways-of-working, structures, and practices

  • Relevant training to be effective at VSHN

  • Coaching or mentoring to successfully navigate and drive initiatives at VSHN

  • A go-to person to challenge, discuss, and refine organizational issues and help navigate solutions

  • Internal and external blog posts and talks

VSHN as a Business
  • Transparent, documented understanding of how VSHN works, the benefits, challenges, and risks of our organization

  • Internal and external (in-person) representation of VSHN’s work culture

Skills and Mindsets

What Skills and Mindsets are needed to fit this role?

  • I don’t solve your problem — You’re responsible; I support you with what you can try and how.

  • The absence of my solution is not the problem — I bring in concepts, patterns and practices where we understand the need for it.

  • Curiosity — I have no clue, so let’s do it and learn together".

  • Strong skills in writing structured documentation

  • Sociocracy 3.0 Practitioner Level 1 or higher

  • Solid understanding of Agile and Scrum

  • Being approachable (and reachable, office or remote and at events), open-minded, and collaborative


The Scrum Master / Team Facilitators do the same on the Team Level, I don’t interfere with that; instead, I learn and collaborate with and support these roles.

Role Assignment

  • This is not a role reserved for anyone.

  • This role could be owned by any and multiple VSHNeers. We are looking for 1+ people.

  • This role is considered a 30-50% FTE role. Less could be possible as the role keepers share the work among each other: There might be more specific/limited versions of this role, based on capacity and other constraints.

  • A Scrum Master might have this as an additional role if they contribute also on the level of the whole organization.


  • Peer-Review twice a year with stakeholders.