Role Apprentice Professional Education

Better name for this role needed.

Role Keeper

Alexander Dehmel


Apprentice Owner


The Apprentice Owner role ensures the apprenticeships at VSHN on the high level, does the administrative work and serves as a 3rd level go-to-person and escalation point. Planning the work according to what is required officially (educational plan) requires understanding of technical concepts and requires expertise.

We need someone who has the overview of the needed work according to the official educational plan, who plans, coordinates and reviews it and is the go-to-person on this level.

Key Deliverables

  • Go-to person for all technical and personal matters (2nd level).

  • Concrete work from the official educational plan as refined projects or tasks.

Key Responsibilities

  • Define additional or refine work in apprentice’s team to fulfil requirements according to the educational plan.

  • Regular sync with apprentice.

  • Review of apprentice progress according to educational plan.

  • Coordinate or delegate needed knowledge transfer or education from VSHNeers.

  • Psychological, vocational training and pedagogical issues, supervision and opportunities to share experiences.

Key Resources

  • Educational Plan (Bildungsplan) "Betriebsinformatiker:in mit eidgenössischem Fähigkeitszeugnis (EFZ)"

  • Planning in Jira and Wiki.

Mindset, Skills and Capabilities

  • Needed technical expertise and experience.

  • Didactic and social skills - likes and used to work with young people.

  • Communicating & Motivating

Monitoring & Evaluation

Every 3 months, retro or peer review with the involved roles, apprentices and the Delegator.

Assignment of this Role

  • This role can be assigned to any engineer at VSHN who meets the role requirements, independent of the Team.

  • This role should not interfere negatively with the main role of the role keeper, see Roles.

  • The time investment into this role needs to be tracked by the role keeper and is estimated to not be more than 2-4 hours per week.

This domain is tracked and reviewed as part of VIP-218